Microsoft Azure & Python 🐍
Microsoft and PyCon have been partnering together for many years across the globe. This year, in particular, following PyCon US 2020 in May, we also joined PyCon APAC 2020 in September to closely work with the community on continually improving tools & services that make Python development easier.
We are super excited to share the improvements we have made for Python developers in Azure, especially our newer Linux offerings that enable you to build and deploy Python applications in the cloud at any scale. To find out more details, check out: Blog postPyCon US 2020
Sponsor Talks 🐍
In this year’s PyCon HK 2020 Fall, Microsoft Hong Kong will be presenting two key talks as shown below.
Python Debugging: Pro Tips and Not-So-Obvious Tricks
Speaker: Dave Glover (Regional Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft)
Time: 15:40 – 16:10
Date: Nov 6
Build COVID-19 Chatbot with Python
Speaker: Kinfey Lo (Microsoft Regional Director & Microsoft AI MVP)
Time: 15:15 – 15:45
Date: Nov 7
Join Microsoft MVP 🐍
The Microsoft MVP Award gives us the unique opportunity to celebrate, honor and say thank you to top-notch technology experts who make outstanding contributions to their communities. These technology experts have an unstoppable urge to get their hands on new, exciting technologies and love to share their knowledge. Want to know more about MVP and become one yourself?
Check out our official website or email us directly at [email protected].
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