Python Memory Management 101 (José Manuel Ortega) (Spain) is an English session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. In this talk I will try explain the memory internals of Python and discover how it handles memory management and object creation.The idea is explain how objects are created and deleted in Python and how garbage…
Category: 2020 Spring

Why is it so difficult to retire an unused function? (Gavin Chan) (Hong Kong)
Why is it so difficult to retire an unused function? (Gavin Chan) (Hong Kong) is an English lightening talk session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Most developers must have faced a question of technical debt management – “Is it a good time to retire the existing but rarely used functions?”. The talk will…

Why should you learn writing C extension?
Why should you learn writing C extension? (Gavin Chan) (Hong Kong) is an English session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Are you sometimes frustrated by the performance of Python? Do you always look for open source library to speed up your process? Do you feel numpy cannot give you much edge to enhance…

A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours
A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours (Miroslav Šedivý) (Germany) is an English session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Hong Kong used to switch to the daylight saving time every year to get “one more hour of sleep”, but much more time may have been spent debugging code dealing with the time zones, daylight…

Build a Python IoT Image Classification solution and integrate with Azure Serverless Functions
Build a Python IoT Image Classification solution and integrate with Azure Serverless Functions (Dave Glover) (Australia) is an English session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. This is a fun session and you will learn how to create a Python Image Classification and Text to Speech solution for vision impaired people scanning fruit and…

How to use Azure Machine Learning with Python
How to use Azure Machine Learning with Python (Kinfey Lo) (Guangzhou) is a Cantonese session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Artificial Intelligence is very popular in the world . This Session will introduce how to use Azure Machine Learning to finish a Machine learning case with python . Azure Machine Learning will help…

The End of Jupyter Notebook
The End of Jupyter Notebook (Alex Lau) (Hong Kong) is a Cantonese session in the online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Jupyter Notebook is common among python community. However, Jupyter Notebook may not be developer-friendly when it comes to production usage. We are going to tell you the common issues that notebook users face and the…

Sessions – 2020 Spring
This is the list of sessions in the Online PyCon HK 2020 Spring on 8-10 May 2020. The full timetable will be released by Wednesday, preliminary schedule can be also checked on G calender, all session time and content are subject to change without further notice. All sessions are free of charge at this conference….

Accepted proposals for Online PyCon HK 2020 Spring
We are delighted to announce the 1st batch of accepted proposals for the Online PyCon HK 2020 Spring. Accepted English Proposals: A Day Has Only 24±1 Hours (Miroslav Šedivý) (Germany) Python Memory Management 101 (José Manuel Ortega) (Spain) Build a Python IoT Image Classification solution and integrate with Azure Serverless Functions (Dave Glover) (Australia) Decade…

The Online PyCon HK 2020 Spring call for proposals
2 April 2020 (Hong Kong) – The Online edition PyCon HK 2020 Spring is now calling for proposals. Due to the widespread COVID-19 virus, many technology conferences including some PyCons are canceled or postponed, we hope to keep the python activities running actively online, therefore the idea of organising an online edition of PyCon HK…