Good morning, welcome to PyCon HK 2020 Spring.
I am Sammy, the conference chair of this conference and the host of Hong Kong Python User Group.
Last year it is unfortunate that I made the decision to postpone the PyCon HK. And due to current coronavirus spreading around the world, and PyCon US also moved to online this year, so I decided that I should try to organise an online Spring edition of PyCon HK, it can be a warm-up for the local python community.
At this conference, 17 proposals are accepted at this conference from 6 local speakers, 7 speakers in Asia, 4 speakers in Europe.
Every PyCon as well as PyCon HK have the Code of Conduct CoC, please obey the Code of Conduct to help us to keep a positive, supportive and safe environment for the community.
You can join the discussion on HK Python User Group Slack community. If you didn’t join it yet, you can click the invite link on website. If you have any question, please post to slack or send a direct messgage to me on Slack.
And you can post your sharing on social network with hashtag #pyconhk.
We have 17 sessions this conference, and we also have unconference and the online development sprint, you can check all the details on the PyCon HK website. The registration of unconference is now open.
At previous PyCon HK, we always apply for a small community sponsorship from Python Software Foundation, which we uses it to assist our overseas speakers to travel and speak in Hong Kong.
“Everyone Pay” is the policy for global PyCons, but the online conference this weekend is free of charge. I suggests that you can make a donation to the Python Software Foundation PSF.
I and our small volunteer team hopes you enjoy the conference. And the first session will be started from 10am, and 3 other sessions will be started from 4pm.
I will post a quick announcement tomorrow for day 2 on facebook page, and the closing is scheduled on Sunday night.
Thanks for joining the opening! See you!