Clover Health is a technology company that offers Medicare Advantage insurance plans in the US. Our software platform called Clover Assistant, uses machine learning powered expert systems to organize members’ health data and deliver insights to doctors at the point of care. The work we do in Hong Kong is closely linked to what Clover Health has built in the U.S. on the technology end. We share our sophisticated artificial intelligence platform to provide our partners and clients with actionable, data-driven insights. The success of the Clover Health Hong Kong team is measured by the quality of life of the people served by our clients and partners. Clover Health is hiring mission-driven, compassionate individuals with diverse areas of expertise. We work together to solve one of the most complex and expensive problems in the world: making healthcare work. Please visit our career site to find out more info.
Thank Clover Health to sponsor the PyCon HK 2020 Fall. Please get your ticket and join their session “Data-rich content management with Django CMS and Django REST Framework” by Danny Vu (USA) at the Conference.