Panel Discussion: HK Education and Python

Moderator: Haggen So

Language: Cantonese


Dr. Haggen So

Photo of Dr. Haggen So

Tentative List of Panellists (in alphabetical order)

Albert Kin Wai WONG, Chairman of Aitle(Association of I.T. Leaders in Education 資訊科技教育領袖協會) - Primary and Secondary Education in Hong Kong
Isaac Li, student from First Code Academy, speaker at PyCon Taiwan 2016 - First person experience in Python
Kenneth Kin Pong Kwok, Assistant Marketing Manager of Koding Kingdom,
– Python and Coding Courses in Hong Kong
Dr. Dennis Y. W. Liu, Teaching Fellow at the Department of Computing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Tertiary Education in Hong Kong

About the Discussion

The Python programming language is widely employed for education purpose around the world. Is Python also relevant to education in Hong Kong? A number of panellists from different backgrounds are invited to the discussion.

Tags: Python, Education