Apache Kafka is widely used in large scale message processing applications. However, build a (job|task|work) processing system with Kafka is not straightforward. The talk will share experience on building a heterogeneous Job processing with Kafka and Python. The mentioned job processing mechanism can be made use of to several scenarios, e.g., cloud resource provisioning, tiering storage system and so on.
Buzzwords: cloud, open source software development
Level: Intermediate: Target audiences with intermediate experience in python programming
Requirements to Audiences: Nil
Language: Mandarin
Speaker: Chu, Hua-Rong (Taiwan)
Speaker Bio: A (storage|backend|python|java) research engineer in Taiwan. He is passionate about improve people’s life by coding. He has been involved to various open source projects and communities over ten years.
GitHub: https://github.com/hrchu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hua-chu-a2235779/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/okwapA700
Website/Blog: https://medium.com/@petertc