Date: November 7-8 (Saturday and Sunday), 2015
Time: 9:30am – 6:00pm
Venue: Cyberport
PyCon-HK Tee Speaker Dinner Speaker Dinner Speaker Dinner Pycon in HK has just began! Enjoy it “ARTIQ: the Advanced Real-time Infrastructure for Quantum Physics” by Sèbastien Bourdeauducq, M-Labs Keynote “Monitoring the performance of Python web application” Lightning talk by PyCon Korea “Keep it Simple, Web Development Stack” by Eric Ahn “Chinese NLP with Open Source Tools in Python” by Albert Au Yeung. ”Microsoft and Python” by Samson Lee “Building an Adaptive Learning System using Bayesian Modelling in Python” by Albert Au Yeung “Scrape more with less codes” by Pili Hu “Building an Adaptive Learning System using Bayesian Modelling in Python” by Albert Au Yeung “Heading towards Continuous Delivery” by Steven Mak “The changing landscape of Python web application deployment” by Graham Dumpleton Coffee is ready! “Writing Fast Code” by Youngsuk Kim “Haxe , a statically-typed language that compiles to Python ” Andy Li “My Personal Take” by Austin G. Imperial and Andrew Imperial “Beyond the Style Guides” by Mosky “Introduction to aiohttp — asyncio-based web framework” by Andrew Svetlov) Workshop of Elastic : “Don’t be afraid to search” Developer Sprint Room Long is doing hacking on legco-watch project (scrapy and celery) at development sprints. And AIO web framework developer Andrew is also at dev Sprint too. “Use All the logs!” by Honza Kral “Web back ends Developement using Python” by Ayun Park Financial Technology “Financial Technology” by Dr. Joseph Wang “Let’s break some stuipd CAPTCHAs!” by Chung-hong chan Workshop: “Let’s break some stupid CAPCHA” “Using Python for Data Mining Projects” by Chris Choy “Functional and scale performance tests using zopkio” by Marcelo Araujo “Better type at Python” by Rick Mak Lightning Talks by PyCon Taiwan Lightning Talks at PyCon HK Lightning talk by Startup Weekend HK Thank you for Elastic being Gold Sponsor for PyCon Hong Kong 2015.