Thank you for joining us at Open Source Hong Kong X Hong Kong Python User Group Meetup #79! The evening was filled with Halloween vibes and insightful talks. Henry Wong enlightened us on “Dependency Management with Poetry” while Alex Au delved into “Code Quality and GitOps in Python”. Scotty, Chairman of PyCon HK, also shared exciting updates about the upcoming PyCon HK 2024. A heartfelt thanks to all our speakers for their valuable contributions! We look forward to seeing you at PyCon HK 2024!
感謝作晚參與 OSHK x Python User Group Meetup #79 One more step to PyCon HK 2024 活動的你!在充滿萬聖節氛圍的晚上,我們享受了非常有啟發性的演講。Henry Wong 為我們主講 Dependency Management with Poetry,而 Alex Au 探討了 Code Quality and GitOps in Python。PyCon HK 的主席 Scotty 也分享了 PyCon HK 2024 的最新動態。衷心感謝所有演講者的寶貴分享!期望在 PyCon HK 2024 見到大家!