Discover the Latest in Python at Our Recent Events and PyCon HK 2024

We recently co-hosted two fantastic events with one of the PyCon HK 2024 organizers, Open Source Hong Kong:

Open Source Hong Kong Meetup #78 – Gen AI Night: This event featured insightful sessions on building real-time AI applications with Kafka and Flink, and an introduction to Hacktober Fest 2024. We also explored InstructLab, a new way for everyone to customize large language models collaboratively using open-source methods.

Open Source Hong Kong x Python User Group x Kowloon West Cluster HA Meetup #77: Held at Princess Margaret Hospital, this meetup delved into how public hospitals use Python in their daily operations and included a discussion on the AI Kit for Raspberry Pi.

We are also planning the next meetup in October and would love to invite you to join PyCon HK 2024 on November 16, 2024! Tickets will be on sale soon. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with the community and dive deeper into the world of Python. See you there!

我們最近與 PyCon HK 2024 的組織者之一 Open Source Hong Kong 共同舉辦了兩場精彩的活動:

Open Source Hong Kong Meetup #78 – Gen AI Night:這次活動涵蓋使用 Kafka 與 Flink 構建實時 AI 應用的精彩演講,及 Hacktober Fest 2024 的介紹,更探討 InstructLab 這種使用開源方式讓每個人協作並度身訂造大型語言模型的新方案。

Open Source Hong Kong x Python User Group x Kowloon West Cluster HA Meetup #77:在醫管局九龍西聯網瑪嘉烈醫院舉行的聚會深入探討公立醫院如何在日常營運中使用 Python,及專注討論 Raspberry Pi 的 AI Kit 應用。

我們正在構思於十月舉辦下一次聚會,並誠邀你參加 2024 年 11 月 16 日的 PyCon HK 2024!門票快將開售。不要錯過這個與連結社群並深入了解 Python 的機會。到時見!