
Recurrent Neural Networks in Python: Keras and TensorFlow for Time Series Analysis

A look at neural networks, specifically recurrent neural networks, and how to implement them in Python for various applications including time series (stock prediction) analysis, using popular machine learning libraries Keras and TensorFlow

Day 2 (5th November) 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
AC1 Lecture Hall LT-16
English (English Slides)
Bring personal laptop and your own charger.


Photo of Matt O'Connor

Matt O'Connor Matt

Matt is a full stack developer, professional Scrum Master, and co-founder of, Hong Kong's premier machine learning and artificial intelligence training provider. Reboot doesn't just teach ML, they use it in classrooms to refine curricula, predict industry trends, and teach more effectively. Prior to Reboot he has overseen algorithmic trading for the world’s largest hedge fund with $157 billion USD AUM, built numerous data driven apps and chatbots, given talks on development and data science to crowds of hundreds, and been published both in print and online for a variety of publications, most notably The New York Times.

Nationality: United States Live In: (Hong Kong)